Monday, September 13, 2010

catch a falling star, put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day.

I sort of wish... I was a more active leader earlier, I wish I did state earlier just so I could do both scat and state src as well, I wish I could turn back to the beginning of high school, I wish I got more involved in more things, I wish I didn't spend my Saturdays studying for exams when I was younger, I wish I could do it all again and have little regrets but now I just wish I won't have anymore regrets later on. I'm lucky enough to have figured out where I want to be but I still wish I could turn back time and do things differently. All in the average aussie day.


  1. you can certainly fulfill your wishes by putting them into action.. all the best =)

  2. Hey Iman, I love this song very much! And, your blog is so cool lar! I love it! xD

  3. Ken: tahank you:)
    Erika: thanks darl. Ur blog is so cool. Like ur picture at the top of ur blog tu , so pretty lah
