Thursday, September 30, 2010

you race to the finish line but what was worth the most was the obstacles along the way.

I vow (well, if i remember it haha) that by the time I'm legal, I will try out for The Amazing Race. The emotional journey that the contestants go on must be tremendous but at the end of the day it seems to turn out for everyone- yes including those who lost in the first round. I want to put a backpack on back and lug it around to seven countries for the duration of a few weeks, and experience the adventure this show takes you on.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

digi environmentalists!


i can't believe that i got invited to the MALAYSIAS TOP GREENIES event!
anyone here got invited ???

but the problem is i can't go :(

have a wedding. crap.

anyone here has been invited and is/not going? 

so sad .

but on the other hand, i have proven myself worthy as an environmentalist!

one of the biggest most amazing phones yet. 

iPhone 4

this picture is so right!

but you have to admit, ALL OF US WANTS THE NEW iPHONE 4!

Monday, September 27, 2010

a simple birthday wish.

Happy birthday  google ,

 I've probably learned more from you than I have from school 

you're only 12. and yet you've outsmarted us all.

thank you we beg to say as you have made each and every one of our lives ALOT easier.

he does that face bcoz he <3s me :)

I'm one of those people who likes dogs, but prefers coming home to a cat.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

disney eyes

I remember vowing to not fall asleep until a little disney princess disc played these scenes on the screen or laughing and crying with westlife songs in the background. I remember wearing a matching shirt with my dad just because I thought it was cool. I remember begging mum for at least one coloured pen when we went shopping. 

I remember being a little kid and the good times I had along with it.

Monday, September 20, 2010


“A friend is someone who is there in your time of need, someone who has their own little ways to put a little magic in your life, someone who makes you smile even on your gloomiest days, someone you turn to for laughter or wiping away tears. A bestfriend is a friend who never fails to sieze the day and make it that slightest bit close to perfection. They are the people who posseses the quality of a friend with a little something extra, they are the ones I treasure"

Platted bracelets, half-hearted necklaces worn around the neck with the words "bestfriends" engraved into halves, a writting or two on eachothers arms saying 'biffle'. Recognise it? Of course you have- it's the cliché world of friendships but in all honesty just because you've ticked all the boxes of what I mentioned, a real bestfriendship is not determined based on threads, silver chains or even ink; it's the meaning behind it that tells a story. I'm blessed to have it all. The ink, the engraved writing but also the real meaning of whats written. Simple enough, to me the saying 'it's not quantity, it's quality' applies, I have four bestfriends whose gone through thick and thin with me. You can have a thousand facebook friends but at the end of the day do you know them them all? I know everyone on my fb and I have hundreds of friends on it but when it comes to bestfriends, I don't need a million I just need one (or in my case four) being who they are already. In all honesty it's not like the beggining of a fairytale, it was never "since the moment I saw them I knew some day down the track I'll be bestfriends with them", I thought maybe good friends but thats possibly it? Now they're the people whose hugs in the mornings I want most, the people whose smiles brighten up my day, the people whose little quirks I can see even with my eyelids shut tightly, the people who has to listen to every one of my stories, my 'it's going to be okay' when all the tears are gone and my cries are tearless and the people I run to when something hillarious or amazing happens. Their names are Putri, Nabiha, Nisa and Kamalia, or otherwise better known as PinNK. And I'll let you in on a little secret: I love them. The reason why is that they are the most amazing ship i've ever been on, the ship of our bestfriendship.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

i do, i do, i do. i really honestly, truly do.

four little notes in four days.

Ten day notes- Day four: Seven things that cross your mind alot.

'that' person. the future, leadership opportunities and school. someone whose gorgeous face still doesn't justify their beautiful soul. dwelling on the past. fashion. photographical/artistic ideas. my love for my family and friends.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Never regret anything, Because at the time... it was exactly what you wanted.
It's funny because it's true. It's hillarious because thats what I wanted insanely. It's tear-worthy because it turned out as everything I never foresaw or desired.

catch a falling star, put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day.

I sort of wish... I was a more active leader earlier, I wish I did state earlier just so I could do both scat and state src as well, I wish I could turn back to the beginning of high school, I wish I got more involved in more things, I wish I didn't spend my Saturdays studying for exams when I was younger, I wish I could do it all again and have little regrets but now I just wish I won't have anymore regrets later on. I'm lucky enough to have figured out where I want to be but I still wish I could turn back time and do things differently. All in the average aussie day.

three little notes in three days.

Ten day notes- Day three: Eight things about yourself

I'm a Capricorn and an obivious one at that, I'm curious, get distracted oftent and easily attracted to Aquariuses, a true Gemini. When I drink something from a cup or ever a bottle my pinky finger has a tendency to stay out automatically. I'm convinced that my tounge has not got a mind of it's own, I can't easily roll it, flip it and the deal. I have naturally straight teeh except for my top, front-right teeth... the LITTLE bugs bunny. I'm lucky enough to be able to talk about anything to my parents. I love blowing bubbles and lying under the stars. I learnt how to use chopsticks myself and taught myself at an early age how to eat chilly and now I love it. I love to photograph things, except to photograph myself, got over it a while ago. Just kidding. Still not over it.

two little notes in two days.

Ten day notes- Day two: Nine things that you can't live without

The parental unit. A few of my friends, who never fail to bringthen up my days. ALL MY CATS. The existance of art. Water and Ice Lemon Tea. Cookies and Cream ice-cream for desert. Saturdays. Inspirational little things. Musical little things.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

one little note in one day.

Ten day notes- Day one: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

I love you mum and dad. You brighten my days when the sun is hiding behind the clouds Blackberry and Starbuck. I'm so proud of you, boys with the heart made out of diamonds. I'm going to miss you all insanely.Your smile and your everything makes the butterflies in my stomach flap their wings. I sometimes wish you never changed. Thanks for all the tears. You four with your little quirks are the best friends anyone can ask for. Can you not show favouritism, makes us all feel special don't it?. Leave my life.

the power of ten.

Ten little notes in ten days 
I found this on a friends tumblr and thought.. Why not.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things you can't live without.
Day Three
Eight things about yourself.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

last day of school.

i said : RAWR! to everybody (secondary) on the last day of school.

Ust. Fattah : SHHH!
Kamalia : hahahahhah.
Aimie : Iman, are you alrite?
DJ : Did you take your medication today?
Irsyad : I somehow knew you were gonna do that.
Acap : =0
Badrollin : OMG! Scary!

unforgettable stuff right there.
quantum shiet.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

combat boots, leather jackets and skinny jeans

This is one of those pointless posts but oh well. So it was one of those lazy rainy days at home with the pitter-patter of the rain hits the pavements lightly, raindrops slid lazily down my bedroom window while I sat on the window seel listening to blues-sy music but then I saw just how in need of a clean out my wardrobe was. Thats the moment when I realised I need to seriously stop shopping. I literally had floral tops,floral dresses, jeans, shorts, blazers, berets, scarfs, lady-hats, tunics, overalls, docs, converses, boots, heels, stockings, bags and sunnies piled on the floor reaching the height of my bedframe. Thats when I decided I need to stop spending my lunch money on clothes, somebody help!

Factual: I don't wear real leather or fur, it's so cruel to the beautiful animals.